Monday, September 17, 2012

1.1 - Ignoring the Triangle

Last class for the day. Miriam sighed as she trudged into the classroom, sitting down in the back seat, letting her notebook and pencils settle haphazardly on the desk. She didn’t want to sit in the front; she wanted to sit where she could see who was going to be in this class with her.

She knew Alexa was; they’d compared schedules and were delighted to see that they shared four classes this semester. If she included lunch, she and Alexa spent most of the day together and Miriam was just fine with that.

A few other students walked in, interrupting Miriam’s thoughts. She nodded her head at them and they said ‘hi’ back. They settled into seats, chatting with each other.

After a few more minutes, Logan loped into the room, his eyes lighting up when he saw Miriam. He grinned and slid into the chair next to her. ‘Hey there, how has your first day gone so far?’ he asked.

‘Pretty good. Alexa and I had to deal with one of those girls who can’t shut up around me at gym class. It’s pretty sad when someone has issues with someone else’s body,’ commented Miriam.

Logan grunted. ‘Miriam, you’re gorgeous. Some of these girls need a burger and fries. And a shake,’ he said. ‘I hope you didn’t take it personally.’

Miriam shrugged. ‘They want me to but I’m not going to give them the satisfaction. Sides, if I give Alexa an excuse, she’ll go pound on one of them. I’m sure her dad doesn’t want to have to pick her up from school again because she stood up for some person and got involved in a fight.’

‘That’s our girl. She isn’t going to let someone intimidate her with words. She’ll respond with her fists. That’s how she negotiates,’ said Logan with a shrug. ‘I’m not going to tell her she can’t give someone whatfor.’

Miriam knew that Logan didn’t care if that someone was a female or a male. He’d never been of the opinion that just because someone’s a girl, she should be treated like china. She knew he thought that way of thinking was  bullshit. And knowing Logan’s mom, she knew why he thought the way he did. His mom worked hard and could take care of herself. Miriam knew that a large part of Logan’s attraction towards Alexa was because she was the same way. She’d stand on her own two feet.

Miriam was about to respond when she saw Alexa come into the room followed by Frances.
Alexa saw them and smiled happily; Frances grinned at Miriam and then his smile faded when he saw Logan.

Logan wasn’t looking too happy himself, Miriam saw. His body tightened and his slouched form straightened in the chair. He was as tight as a bowstring.

All of a sudden, Miriam’s lethargy disappeared. She knew Logan wanted to ask Alexa out. She also knew that Alexa was oblivious to this. Frances was reacting instinctively to another male taking Alexa’s time and attention away from him. Miriam was pretty sure this was going to end poorly in one way or another.

Alexa slid into the chair in front of Miriam, leaving the chair in front of Logan empty. Frances paused for a moment, and then sat down so he was across from Alexa. He ignored Logan’s scowl.

Alexa greeted Logan and started filling him in on her classes earlier in the day. Logan listened with his eyes on Alexa and his fingers fiddling with his pencil. Frances crossed his legs, folded his arms, and looked bored.

Miriam watched Frances’ face become like a mirror’s reflective surface. He showed nothing in his eyes and his body gave nothing away. She knew it was a protective measure he’d use at home because he needed it. She hated to see him use it around her.

She nudged him with her foot and his eyes changed from the glaze of winter to a mild spring thaw. ‘ are your classes?’ she asked.

Frances shrugged. ‘They’re all right. I’m going to have homework but that’s to be expected. I don’t think it’s going to be a big deal.’

‘You never think it’s going to be a big deal, and then when finals comes, you start wailing about how your life is so tragic and you will end up being a hobo on the streets, begging for Mountain Dew and unfiltered cigarettes,’ teased Miriam.

‘I beg your pardon,’ disagreed Frances, pressing a hand to his chest, ‘I never said unfiltered cigarettes. I said clove cigarettes.’

Miriam snorted at him. ‘Right. Whatever. It’s been the same ever since ninth grade. Everything’s great until finals and then you lose your brain somewhere.’

Frances sniffed, putting his nose into the air. ‘My brain is never lost. You must have me confused with someone else, Sexy Back,’ he told her with a small grin.

Alexa reached over and tweaked his nose. ‘I’m going to remind you of this when you start up the whole ‘woe is me’ thing around mid terms, too. Not to forget whenever we have a big paper to turn in, you say that your computer is conspiring against you and refuses to let you type your big thoughts.’

Miriam snickered. ‘How could I forget *that* one? I think we need to make a list of ‘Frances’ greatest hits’ or something. Just so we can refer to them when he starts whining about how hard it is to study. Or starts humming ‘The Chariots of Fire’ theme.’

Alexa laughed. ‘Or starts his personal version of ‘I Have a Dream.’ Because he thinks he’s clever to crib from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Really, Frances.’

Frances smiled at her, his eyes warm through and through. ‘I can’t help that you’re jealous of my oral skills,’ he murmured, wiggling his eyebrows at her.

Alexa kicked at his leg, lazily. Frances reached down and snagged her ankle with his hand, lifting her leg up to rest on his knee.

Miriam watched as Alexa sighed but indulged Frances in his tomfoolery. She could see how easy they fit together; there was no effort in their friendship and she envied that lack of tension.

She glanced over at Logan and saw him staring fixedly at Alexa’s leg on Frances’ lap. Miriam sighed. She knew Alexa was unaware of Logan’s intentions but she had the feeling Frances was all too aware of things. When Frances cast Logan a sideways glance from beneath his lashes, her suspicion was confirmed.

‘Alexa! The teacher is coming into the room,’ warned Miriam with a slightly apologetic look at Frances.

Alexa hurriedly put her leg down and sat up straighter in her chair while Frances shifted his leg so it was further away from Alexa.

Logan relaxed when Alexa’s leg was off of Frances’ knee and he opened up his book with a last look at Alexa.

Miriam sighed to herself; it looked as though this class would require all her concentration if she was to ignore the triangle that consisted of Alexa, Logan, and Frances.

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