Wednesday, October 31, 2012

1.5 - Session 26

Dr. Cloud: Good to see you, Riley. How was your day?

Riley: How do you think?

Dr. Cloud: I think what I think isn’t important. 

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

1.2.2 - After The Thing That Happened In Gym

Last class for the day. Miriam sighed as she trudged into the classroom, sitting down in the back seat, letting her notebook and pencils settle haphazardly on the desk. She didn’t want to sit in the front; she wanted to sit where she could see who was going to be in this class with her.

She knew Alexa was; they’d compared schedules and were delighted to see that they shared four classes this semester. If she included lunch, she and Alexa spent most of the day together and Miriam was just fine with that.

A few other students walked in, interrupting Miriam’s thoughts. She nodded her head at them and they said ‘hi’ back. They settled into seats, chatting with each other.

Monday, October 22, 2012

1.4 - One More Cookie

Logan got off the school bus and grabbed the mail from the mailbox by the side of the road. He flipped through the circulars and ads, looking for any letters that might be of interest to him. There wasn’t anything for him; just a couple of bills for his parents which he was happy to set on the mail table when he got in. He put the other junk mail into another basket on the table and took off his backpack.

He set it in the cubby next to the staircase and shrugged off his jean jacket as well. He hung that up on the hook above his backpack, and then headed down the hall into the kitchen. His mom was there, reading at the breakfast bar, and she smiled when she saw him.

‘Look at you! You look really nice, honey,’ she told him.