
Get to know the characters of Sex.Ed

Alexa Foster
NAME: Alexandra
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Whomever I wish to hang out with at the time
RELIGIOUS VIEWS: Trees, Earth, Wind, Water, & Sky
POLITICAL VIEWS: Be fiscally responsible but be socially aware. Balance the two.
MOTTO/QUOTATION:  ‘No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.’
ABOUT ME: I have a great dad who’s raised me by himself since I was very small. My mom died in a car accident so it’s alway been me and him against the world. My dad’s big on being independent and loving the one you’re with and all that jazz. Me, I know that I’m loved by him no matter what and that is infinite. It stretches to fit, you know? As long as the heart wants, love always fits just right. My dad knows I like boys and girls and knows I’m not comfortable being put into a gender box but I’m not sure what to do with that right now. He says whatever works for me is OK with him. I’m still working on that.
LIKES:  hot showers, road trips, shots of whiskey, Transformers, Irish music, turkey potpies
BOOKS: I really like books. Most books are my friends. Except for those really big thick books that are assigned in literature class. I absolutely abhorred ‘War and Peace’ and don’t get me started on anything by Jane Austen.
MUSIC: I like to dance to shake off stress. So I’ll put in some old 70’s disco or soul music and dance around my bedroom. My cat, Jupiter, is my only audience.
MOVIES: ‘When Harry Met Sally’ and Pixar movies.
TV: I’d rather watch a movie. But I’ve been known to watch ‘Mythbusters.’ And I’ve watched all of ‘Babylon 5’ and I like those National Geographic specials.

Frances Knight
NAME: Frances (Uriel) Charles Knight
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Hopelessly smitten
RELIGIOUS VIEWS: Keep away from me, you tentacle beast!
MOTTO/QUOTATION: ‘I’m the one you want’
ABOUT ME: I live with my mother and my sister and some servants and my dog, Jesus Christ Super Star in a big ass house, mansion, whatever. My family has tons of money and I have a trust fund that I can use every month. I like to hang with Miriam. She’s one sexy girl and isn’t afraid to flaunt her stuff. I have been best friends with Alexa since way back in middle school. I’ve loved her for a long time, now. I have a liking for drinking too much sometimes, and I’ve been known to go to Chik-fil-a and harass their managers. Christ, do I need to go whinging on or can I stop this? Yeah, I’m done.
Favourite Food: Shrimp anything. And if I’m feeling really indulgent, I’ll get a Chuckwagon.
BOOKS: ‘The Prince’ by Machiavelli. Duh.
MUSIC: Unlike *some* people and their horrid taste in technobabble crap, I’ll stay with jazz and rhythm and blues, thanks. Why isn’t my favourite song something by Coltrane or or Miles Davis or even Louie Armstrong? Because it’s personal. Fuck off.
MOVIES: Summer blockbusters. The bigger, the better. I don’t care how awful the critics say it is. I want to be sitting there with a tub of popcorn and some pop and watching it.

TV: I channel surf so I don’t watch one thing. Unless I’m with Alexa and then I usually end up watching some cute animal show with baby seals or baby monkeys or something like that. If I thought I could get away with it, I’d get a couple of seals into the pool, just to see her eyes light up. Then, of course, we’d have to swim with them and feed them fish. The things I do for love. Heh.

Miriam Rosen
NAME: Miriam Hannah Rosen
POLITICAL VIEWS: Question everything
LIKES: I really like my body. I mean, I’m a big girl who isn’t ashamed of how I look. My aunts are all big women and my grandma is a big woman and when you take a picture of all of us together, it’s like, wow! Look at all that! I know people make fun of me. I know some of the girls at school laugh at me behind my back because I wear what I want. I don’t care. I’ve never understood why I should starve myself for someone else’s approval. That just seems stupid to me. I’ve always thought I liked girls but wasn’t sure until Alexa kissed me and then I knew. I’m trying to figure out how to tell my family. My grandma knows. She tells me she doesn’t care and she’s glad I have someone like Alexa. She likes her. I do, too. I also like Frances. He needs to stop giving Daisy such a hard time, though. Of course, it didn’t help when she told him he was a deviant for liking boys and girls. Ugh. Drama!
BOOKS: I prefer to read books about people who have done things against the odds. People who have worked hard even though others were saying to them, ‘you can’t do this.’ I hate hearing that. Every now and then, I will read a trashy romance just to remind myself of who I do not want to be or how I think romance works. I can’t always make it through one and I’ve thrown books against the wall. And where are the hot queer books? Girl on girl, woo hoo!
MUSIC: I really like music that has tons of guitars and drums and all that. I know that people expect me to like folk music or something like that but I am the happiest when I’m listening to rock and roll or some metal, even. I like to crank the volume in my car and lip sync along. I don’t care who’s listening. Maybe I’ll even sing to you!
MOVIES: Was I the only one who has ever watched ‘Ghandi’ in its entirety? I cried at the end. I like to watch musicals. My favourite one is ‘The Music Man’. It’s also why I like the old Disney ones like, ‘Mary Poppins’ and ‘The Jungle Book’. They’re not musicals but they have so many songs in them. I do like to sing along. I even have a playlist of my favourite musical songs.

TV: My guilty pleasure is watching those home makeover shows. Sometimes, I’ll sketch out designs of homes that I’d like to live in one day. Of course, there’d be a really big library and a huge stereo system that’s piped throughout the house. I wish I had the skills to do that stuff but I’m hopeless when it comes to using tools.

Daisy St. Clair
NAME: Daisy
RELIGIOUS VIEWS: I love Jesus, and He loves you.
POLITICAL VIEWS: Pray for our president!
MOTTO/QUOTATION: Don’t just talk the talk.
ABOUT ME: I’ve been homeschooled for most of my life, but I’m super excited to get to go to public school this year. I’m an only child, and I think it’s about time that my dad focused on something other than my education! I have a cat named Frank and he’s my second best friend. I love art and swimming and volunteering with church. You can ask me anything!
JOB: I’d love to be a social worker. It breaks my heart when little kids are in bad situations. I just want to help make things better for them.
LIKES: Frank! The color lemon yellow.
BOOKS: Pride & Prejudice. Anything by Lori Wick.
MUSIC: Superchick, Barlow Girls
MOVIES: I have a weakness for a good romantic comedy.
TV: Don’t watch much television. There’s too much out there I don’t want in my head.

WEBSITE: I don’t go online much.

Logan Charles
NAME: Logan Charles
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: It’s goddamn complicated
RELIGIOUS VIEWS: Don’t sell me on your Sky God
POLITICAL VIEWS: Too sensible for this shit
MOTTO/QUOTATION: ‘When you’re going through hell, keep on going.’
ABOUT ME: I have a mom and a dad and a couple of brothers who are younger than me. I like hockey and girls with dark hair and comic books. I know I can date around but it’s really hard for me and I would like to beat the shit out of Frances because he acts like such a spoiled ass sometimes. My mom and dad don’t understand why I’m OK with dating Alexa and then she’s also dating Frances. I try to be OK with it but man. It’s hard.
LIKES: The color red, Pulp Fiction (Samuel L Jackson!).
BOOKS: I read comic books. I collect them, too. I even have them in those plastic bags with the cardboard backing so they don’t bend or anything. This shit is real.
MUSIC: I like music from a different era. It kinda pisses me off that kids are all like, ‘I like Zeppelin’ and stuff when it’s cool and trendy or whatever. I’ve *always* been a Zeppelin fan and a Queen fan and all that. That’s serious music right there. None of the shit they play now on the radio. It sounds like dolphin garble to me.
MOVIES: ‘Casino’ and ‘Goodfellas’ and ‘Godfather’ and ‘Godfather 2’. I also liked ‘Kill Bill 1 and 2’. Alexa won’t watch these movies with me. Says they’re too violent. Well, yeah. That’s the point, isn’t it? It’s about power and dominance and all that. And guns. And sometimes, baseball bats.

TV: If I have to watch another animal show, I swear I’ll vomit. I’ll watch ‘Babylon 5’ with Alexa because it’s a really cool show. I also like watching gangster documentaries. Yeah, big surprise.

Riley Jones

ABOUT ME: It’s a tragic tale, really. Soccer savant meets oncoming traffic. I’m the cripple on wheels.
JOB: PT takes up most of my time.
LIKES: Soccer. My little brother.
BOOKS: Not the biggest ‘book guy’ here.
MUSIC: Explosions in the Sky. And Linkin Park.
MOVIES: Historically accurate war movies.

TV: Whatever’s on.
WEBSITE: Google?

Wendy MacCullers

NAME: Wendy Mac
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Out & proud & don’t need anyone else to make me feel good
RELIGIOUS VIEWS: Ugh, no thank you.
POLITICAL VIEWS: Lesser of two evils?
MOTTO/QUOTATION: Rainbow, motherfucker.
ABOUT ME: Lets get something straight. You don’t know me, so please don’t act like you do.
JOB: Currently a cashier at your friendly neighborhood grocery store. I want to be a magician, an astronaut, or an insurance salesman.
LIKES: People who educate themselves before opening their mouths.
BOOKS: Gender Trouble
MUSIC: Lesbians with guitars.
MOVIES: Gonna get all hipster here and assure you you haven’t heard of them.
TV: I’ll try anything once, and probably regret it.


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